Thursday, January 24, 2008


Winning the Internet Game

If you want to be successful at the Internet Game you need to use these Internet Applications effectively. If you are missing even one of the applications in your marketing portfolio, you are loosing business.

* Website
* Opt In
* Key Word Selection
* Email Marketing
* Ezines
* Banner Advertisements
* Affiliate programs
* Notifying Internet Portals and Directories
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
* Pay per click
* Blogs
* Chat Rooms
* Message Boards
* Opt In
* Ebay

To give you a better understanding of why these applications are important, lets briefly discuss each application


Your website content is one of the single most important aspects of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It must be well thought out and structured well throughout your site. You will want to be sure you focus on how your product or service solves a problem or pain for the customer. This almost sounds too simple to work, but focusing on what you have to offer and how it solves the customers problem will pay substantial benefits for the long term.

Having a website will help you increase revenue, decrease expenses, and provide your customers with a higher level of service and support. Here are some examples of how your prospects will benefit from having a Web site.

* Open up a virtual storefront that creates an additional sales channel
* Sell products online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
* Introduce new products to the market faster
* Compete with big corporations based on service, price, and quality
* Capture the impulse buyer
* Accept credit card orders online in real time
* Optimize existing advertising (add a .com to ads directing customers to your dynamic, informative Web site)expose your business to new markets you may not otherwise reach
* Establish credibility with potential customers
* Provide fast, personalized service to customers
* Provide answers to frequently asked questions 24 hours a day
* Offer special packages or deals through your Web site
* Display testimonials from satisfied customers
* Send customers exclusive online coupons or discounts
* Allow customers to set appointments online
* Facilitate pro-active communication between you and your customers
* Respond to customers changing demands faster

Opt In

Confirmed opt-in has become the most rigorous method of obtaining permission to send email campaigns.

What does confirmed opt-in mean? And, is it for you? Well, first let's define the terms. Then, we'll discuss the advantages and disadvantages so that you can make your own decision - and I'll throw in my two cents.

Single Opt-In (with a subscriber acknowledgement email) is the most widely accepted and routinely used method of obtaining email addresses and permission. A single opt-in list is created by inviting visitors and customers to subscribe to your email list. When you use a signup tag on your website, a message immediately goes out to the subscriber acknowledging the subscription. This message should reiterate what the subscriber has signed up for, and provide an immediate way for the subscriber to edit her interests or opt-out.

Confirmed Opt-In (a.k.a. double opt-in) is a more stringent method of obtaining permission to send email campaigns. Confirmed opt-in adds an additional step to the opt-in process. It requires the subscriber to respond to a confirmation email, either by clicking on a confirmation link, or by replying to the email to confirm their subscription. Only those subscribers who take this additional step are added to your list.

ISPs and corporations are now doing everything they can to stem the tide of spam flowing into their users' email inboxes. Without a foolproof solution to turn to, some ISPs, like Road Runner ( email addresses), now require confirmed opt-in for email delivery. They do this because the subscription tracking capabilities associated with confirmed opt-in can help them differentiate legitimate commercial email from spam and protect their customers from receiving spam.

Is Confirmed Opt-in for You?

While usage of confirmed opt-in is not widespread today, and we can't tell just yet if it will become the industry standard, it is important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of confirmed opt-in so that you can make an educated decision on what is best for your business.

The Advantages:

In a nutshell, confirmed opt-in ensures that those who are receiving your email want to receive it; it can protect you against spam accusations; and it allows for email delivery to ISPs, like Road Runner, who require confirmed opt-in for email delivery.

The confirmed opt-in method prevents:
Email address collection without permission,
Accidental subscription due to email address typos, and
Subscriptions made by an unauthorized third party.

Key Word Selection

Choosing the right Keywords to target is of paramount importance to your success in search engine marketing.

Many online consumers know exactly what they are willing to spend when searching for retail products. You should try optimizing for products based on best value?

Example: "bridesmaid gifts under $20"
Example: "cars under $2000"
Example: "timeshare resale under $1000"
The above examples have low competition factors, so really think about how your target audience may be searching and optimize accordingly.

More online consumers know exactly what they're searching for when it comes to retail products. You should try optimizing for products by part or model number?
Example: nokia 8910 cell phone
Example: hp deskjet 5550 printer
Also, try adding "" quotes around your product and model number within the tag. For example, Looking for a "nokia 8910 cell phone?"

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools available for communicating and developing relationships. But, email marketing can only be that powerful when its done well.

Using your standard email client (e.g. Outlook, Eudora, hotmail, AOL, Yahoo etc.) to send a Bcc text or HTML message to your list is not doing email marketing well. Why not? Because your standard email client is not designed for email marketing and therefore has significant limitations that can actually undermine vs. aid your email marketing efforts.

The good news is you do not have to go it alone. There are Web-based email marketing services that are inexpensive and designed to make email marketing simple for the non-technical user. By using a good email marketing service, you can just easily avoid common mistakes and truly get the most out of your email marketing efforts.

Here are the top ten reasons you need an email marketing service. Coincidentally, these are also the top ten critical email marketing benefits that you will never get from any standard email client.

1. Are approved as bulk mailers
2. Follow professional mailing practices
3. Provide list hosting and management
4. Require no technical skill or support staff
5. Handle formatting
6. Create great looking emails
7. Get higher email deliverability
8. Deliver measurable results
9. Include frequent updates and enhancements
10. Comply with email laws


An Ezine is a periodic publication distributed by email or posted on a website.

Ezines are typically tightly focused on a subject area. Ezines in concept are reworking of the popular magazine format of monthly, or weekly topical publications, in an electronic format.

Ezines range greatly in size and scope, from irregular newsletters reaching a handful of subscribers to daily journals reaching hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

Writing articles for ezines increases your visibility on the Internet. By writing articles, you establish your credibility as a market leader. By including your name, company name and website address, you will drive traffic back to your web site.

Banner Advertisements

Probably the most popular method of online advertising is through the use of banner ads. These are the advertisements, most often in rectangular boxes, that seem to appear on almost every page you look at on the Web. In addition to banner ads, some other ways you can advertise your online business include having your ad placed with a newsletter distribution service, and inserting your domain name ( in offline advertisements.

If you are unfamiliar with the process of running a banner ad, then you'll be surprised at how fast you can actually start pulling in visitors with this medium. While in the offline world it can take months to actually get your advertisement placed in a publication, in the online world the whole process can be accomplished in a matter of days. Another advantage of online advertising is that you can change your ad in the middle of a campaign.

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs offer you a way to make money for your online business by advertising for other online businesses. In their simplest form, affiliate programs establish a business relationship between your business and another business, where you will receive a percentage, or a fee, for the sales that you generate for the other business. In a sense, by joining an affiliate program, you become an agent for another business and get a commission every time you sell something for that business. For instance, let's say that you joined an affiliate program that paid you a 15% commission on every sale that you made. If you sold an item worth $100, then you would receive a $15 commission from the affiliate program.

In order to join an affiliate program and begin earning commissions, you will be required to show a banner ad, or text link, for the other business on your Web site. For instance, if you join the affiliate program, you would place an banner ad on your Web site, with a special identification code, that links back to the site

Notifying Internet Portals and Directories

Getting listed with portals, search engines and directories is the beginning of your promotional campaign. By having your site properly indexed in these search engines, you stand a good chance of getting some visitors to your site. However, don't expect to have the world knocking at your door just because you have gotten your site listed in all of the major search engines.

Getting listed with the portals and directories can be done easily using an auto-posting service. You simply type, or cut and paste, the keywords and description for your online business in the appropriate boxes of the notification forms, and the auto-posting service will take care of the rest. In addition to getting your Web site listed across the Internet, many of these services will also analyze your site for loading speed, browser compatibility, and its ability to distinguish itself from the "crowd."

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization is the technique of fine-tuning your website so that it appears more frequently and with a higher ranking in search engines, thereby increasing free traffic to the site. Each search engine compiles a database of web pages which are then ranked by relevance when a particular search term is entered. Every search engine uses different algorithms in order to determine a web page's relevance for a given search.

Pay Per Click

Google AdWords Select ( and Overture ( are the two leading Pay-per-click players, but there are over 400 search engines using this model. They all work in more or less the same way. You bid on keywords and phrases that your target audience may use to find your site in the search engines. When they do a search for those keywords your ad or "sponsored listing" appears in a special section near the top or side of the search results.

The position of your ad depends on the amount you bid and the competition for your keywords, so selecting the best keywords is essential. You pay only when someone clicks through to your site.


With a Blog, you can submit to the many Blog directories that exist online.

By submitting to the many blog directories in the proper category, you can expand your reach to targeted subscribers or readers who wants to read your posting on your area of specialization.

Blogs promote relationship building and trust with your readers, as it allows you to interact with them. Your readers can refer a friend and imagine the traffic power that can be generated if each one of your reader make a referral.

Chat Rooms

Use online chat rooms to promote your web site. Find the right chat room where your targeted audience would gather. Announce to everyone in the chat room something interesting or free that's offered on your web site. This will draw visitors to your web site. Always be aware of chat room rules before engaging the visitors in a sales pitch that could be considered spam.

Message Boards

A message board (also called a discussion forum or bulletin board) is a web-based tool that allows a group of users to discuss topics of interest with each other.

The most important function of a message board is to create a stronger connection between you and your customers. You may have the best product in the market, but if you cannot get enough feedback about your product, you will never know what your customers really think about it. A message board can provide you significantly better feedback about your product by allowing many-to-many connections

Opt In

Opt-in email is the opposite of "Spam" email. When people voluntarily sign-up to receive your electronic messages, they are "opting-in" to your mail list. Because they have actually requested information from you, your messages are not considered to be junk mail, spam, or unsolicited email.

Sending messages and information to people who have given you permission to contact them is a great way to build the kind of relationships that will encourage a steady flow of traffic to your website... and greatly increase your online sales!


On average, Ebay receives 40 million hits daily, and of that, it's average user views 17 pages. Most listings get at least 50 very targeted views. If you can get listed on eBay's "The Pulse" (most popular internet auctions) you are guaranteed at least 5,000 visitors to that listing, and many of them will click through to your site, affiliate link, whatever makes you money.

You can probably understand why you should consider eBay one of the most unique prospects on the internet. It's like the search engines USED to be, where you are guaranteed hits and visitors no matter what the field, and where being outrageous pays off.

For help or questions about Winning the Internet Game, contact G2Apex at or call 408-454-6543

For more articles like this, go to

Alex Welz has over 17 years of experience in such diverse fields as computer engineering, customer relations, systemizing business practices, research and development, and business consulting. Alex currently owns and operates a Website sales and hosting businessEsma Blog59930
Evonne Blog93947

5 Money Generators in Internet MLM

1-Money Generates Money

There is no FREE lunch out there. If some one tells you that you do not need any money to make a profit, you better think twice. Any business is an investment, any investment cost money. Any business needs advertising, any advertising cost money. Advertisements generate leads, leads produce money. There are ways to promote the business without putting any advertising budget but it takes time. Time is MONEY. Any businesses out there need to have advertising budget to attract customers. There is no different in Internet MLM business.

2- Hard Work Generates Money

Internet marketing is not about overnight success. It is a real business that needs substantial degree of hard work to become successful. Anyone who has a job know that in order to get the pay check, you have to put in certain amount of time. The concept is the same in Internet MLM. The only difference is you are actually building your own business instead of building peoples business. That is the reason why the pay check is fixed on your pay job while the pay check has huge variability on your Internet MLM business.

3- Knowledge Generates Money

Everyone gets pay for their knowledge. You, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Pierre Omidyar, Sam Walton and Warren Buffet get paid because of the knowledge. What is the different between you, Bill Gates and those billionaires? You probably know the answer by now. The point that I really want to make here is challenge you to learn more in order to earn more. Please refer to the post Blueprinting in Internet MLM to get more ideas of what knowledge can bring you.

4- Quality Content Generates Money

It is all about quality in any business. If your business can provide quality to customer, the greater the return, right? There is no difference in Internet MLM business as well. We have to find company that can provide great quality or value to customer, once customers see those benefits (quality), they will in turn join the program and hence generate income for you. Is that simple! This is the reason why I love GDI ( and Success University ( because both of them provide great values to me.

5- Internet Generates Money

There are about 6.5 billion people on the planet and about 1.1 billion of them use internet (Source from and the growth of internet user is growing exponentially over time. Imagine if you can share a piece of this pie, what is the return? That is the reason why we need to generate traffic into your website. Any traffic that visits you has a potential to generate income to you. 4 money generators that we discussed earlier lead to this. Prepare some budget, work hard to learn about the business and create quality content to attract traffic to your site.

A positive altitude causes a chain reaction of positive outcomes. It is a catalyst... a spark that creates extraordinary results!

Lickhau Loo is an Expert Internet Marketer. You can learn How to Make up to $2,000 a week wihout risking a penny in 3 easy steps mailto: lloo@unlimitedwealth.wsFelicdad Blog63844
Fawna Blog99902

Direct Mail Marketing Goes Rogue

I recently received the fabulous news that I had won 5,000.00. You know what they say about things that sound too good to be true they usually are. So I looked for a phone number absent. I then looked at the return address Canada. Canada? I had a closer look at the delivery envelope Royal Mail frank, i.e. it had been posted from the UK. Strange. I did a Google search for company name. At number 2 was a link to an article in the Mirror entitled Rogue Mail. Yep it was a slick scam which was apparently netting the operators millions of pounds because to claim your prize you had to send a payment, in this case 20.00.

Now many would have been outraged at receiving such a letter. Instead, I saw it as a great learning opportunity not, I hasten to add, because Im planning a scam of my own, but because it put into practice (with great results) many of the strategies of doing an effective and legitimate Direct Mail campaign. Here are some of the tactics adopted by this company and a few ways to improve the effectiveness of your Direct Mail campaigns.

1. Delivery Envelope

The envelope displayed the companys name and under the company name were the words Cash Release Documents. Over the window of the envelope were the words Final Notice For: which implied a sense of urgency. To the right of the envelope were the words OPEN AT ONCE i.e. a strong call to action. This company obviously knew the strength of using teaser copy, i.e. copy to whet the appetite of the reader.

2. Reply Envelope

Including an addressed reply envelope generally increases the response rate and a reply envelope was dutifully included in this case. Some Direct Mail marketers use FREEPOST envelopes but the problem with this is that it can increase the response rate of junk mail.

3. Main Letter

The main letter was well-presented and looked official. The letter had been folded in three and the body of the letter was laid out in such a way that the information above the first fold was compelling as well as the information between the folds and at the bottom of the letter.

We tend to scan letters reading the headline, sub-headers and footers first and taking in any other striking information so this was a clever marketing tactic. In fact, the headline is critical to the success of the Direct Mail campaign. Given our short attention span, some attribute 90% of the success of a Direct Mail campaign to using a captivating headline.

In this case, above the fold and in italics, there was a short paragraph preceded by the word Attention and containing the word CONGRATULATIONS notifying me that I had won a prize and it was ready for dispensation. The prize would be held for me until I responded (by post) according to the terms of the letter. Then there was another call to action.

The letter went onto to say that as soon as I responded my cheque would be dispatched to me using a registered courier service. This helped to reinforce the fact that I had to act quickly to take advantage of this offer.

The middle section gave details about the prize and an option to have the money released in one lump sum or to have 4 equal payments. A no-brainer proposition when you think about it but what this copy did was reinforce the fact that there was money at stake here.

The information in the last segment recapped the information previously expressed and reinforced the need to act quickly or lose my prize.

4. Signature

The scanned signature was legible and in blue. Believe it or not this is another important feature of Direct Mail letters. Signatures should be legible and research has shown that the best colours for your signature are process or reflex blue. The rest of the text should be black against, ideally, a white, off-white or pale yellow background.

5. Postscript

All well-constructed sales letters will contain a strong postscript to end such as reminding potential customers of the key benefits of the item being sold or of the steps to take. In this case the reader was reminded that they could spend the money any way they liked encouraging those who had been lured to this point to imagine how they would spend their unexpected windfall.

6. Order Form

Naturally, Direct Mail Marketing campaigns will contain an order form. The order form should stand out from the main letter. One way to achieve this is to print it on paper of a different colour such as blue or pink. Another marketing tactic is to give the order form a different title. Think about it, most people are averse to form-filling. They find it tiresome. In this case the order form was headed Cheque Release Form where the first two words neutralised any negative impact the word form might have had.

These tactics can all contribute towards generating high-income earning legitimate Direct Mail campaigns. The letter I received was slick but there were several errors or irregularities as I have glossed over here. In my next article Ill highlight these irregularities or the things to avoid when sending out a Direct Mail Campaign.

Its sad then that people stoop this low to con people out of their money when they could apply the similar tactics and elicit money honestly. Unfortunately, there will always be vulnerable or easily influenced individuals who will fall for these unscrupulous Direct Mail tactics. I hope this article will help to make people more aware of the scams that are going on and that less people will be duped by them. Oh, by the way, the name of the company Global Escrow Services.

Nickolove Lovemore is a Life & Success Coach and NLP Practitioner. Please visit for more articles and offers.Fortune Blog53657
Eveline Blog13160

Does Online Marketing is the Effective way of Selling Products?

As time goes by and technology changes, the businesses also evolved. Many of the company nowadays are thinking on how to market their products successfully and at the same time to reach other customers around the world to increase their valuable customer and their profit. The most powerful strategy of selling your products today are marketing online. Have you ever heard the meaning of online marketing. Online marketing is defined from Wikipidea as the selling of products on the Internet. It is a type of e marketing, which in turn is a type of e-commerce. While at first the confusion of experiments, beta versions of websites, search engines and other online devices cause marketers to consider this world of the Internet unknowable and perhaps too unpredictable, there is now a growing body of work to which marketers are now paying attention in order to develop online marketing programs.

Here are the following advantages and disadvantages of Online marketing:

Advantage of online marketing

1. The company will be given the chance to sell their products online 24/7 a day and reach new markets and interact with them without wasting their time.

2. They can also improved their marketing through customer service via internet.

3. They can offer their products without wasting paper for their catalog because they can place the image online and update if there's a new product.

4. They can also promote their products through free promotional ads posting.

5. Inexpensive way of reaching new market and interact with them without transportation.

6. They can automated their transaction process like order and payments of their customers, inventory of their stocks.

7. They can update the customer with their new product by sending them an email.

8. It enhance their customer relations by providing their customers to post comments to improve their services or products.

Disadvantages of Online marketing:

1. The customer doesn't see the quality of the product that their going to buy online.

2. Some of the credit card account are being hacked by the hackers because some site are not secured.

3. There is more competitors that are selling like your products or your services offered out there.


We all know that everything has its own advantage and disadvantage. Even though online marketing has disadvantage factor you can resolve it by doing research and improving your product and services that they needed. Look for website developer's that is highly proven to the industry that develops the most relevant and secure website. Prove to your customer that your giving them the high quality products. Give them the chance to suggest on how to improve your product and services. Give them special offers that will make them stay and buy your products. Promotions is the effective way of marketing your products.

Corazon Padol, SEO for Webworksfirst, the best choice for your professional web design and other web development needs. For more information visit Blog84655
Felice Blog87720

Discover Your Home Work Business Opportunities & Create Your Own Business Online

Within this article today, we're going to look at creating a home work business that focuses on the Internet and online. There are many different home based online businesses that you can focus on and we will look at what you should look for within a particular business that you want to do.

There are great many homeworker business opportunities for you in creating a home work based business that focuses on the Internet and online. One of the best resources for you to find information about this is at You'll want to spend a great deal of time visiting this website because you can find many different webmaster affiliates programs that you can market in many different categories. Some of the categories that they have that you can market include finance and investment, food and beverage, automotive, and health and fitness. Take the time to read because each webmaster affiliates program will list their website as well as a small description on what they do and you will want to visit the website as well. If you are going to be spending a great deal of your time promoting a particular website and program, you'll want to make sure that this is worth your while. Also, with each of these particular affiliate programs, you should look at how much money you would be making by selling each of these. You'll probably find several webmaster affiliate programs that seem interesting to you so see which one peaks your interest and pays well and head for that real home based business opportunity.

Another place I highly recommend you to visit is at You should spend your time visiting the website, because there are a lot of golden homeworker business opportunities waiting for you to tap-in. You can learn everything you have to know for earning money online at home. There are different categories of how to make money online at home such as making money with affiliate marketing business, making money with social networking, making money with blogging and making money with AdSense. Youll probably find your own way to make money online at home from that website. Also, you will definitely find the wealthy of informative about earning money online at home. That website gives you a real home based business opportunity online!

As far as fair warning for what seems to be opportunities on the Web for other things, there are many different websites that promise that you can make money through either taking surveys or through posting on free forums for several hours day. This sounded good and many people have signed up and found that they have wasted a great deal of time and money in the end when trying out these so-called "homeworker business opportunities". Remember to listen to your gut when you're thinking about this. There are many work-at-home scams out there so make sure to take your time in reading about what the different websites have to offer.

Be aware of work-at-home scams or internet scams at: Youll discover wealthy of informative about how to be aware of making money scams online. I highly recommend you to spend your time on that website, if you are NOT sure about how to make money online at home. My final word is to Be aware, NOT be scare!".

Another great home work business opportunity that has an online focus can be selling products on eBay. This is stressed throughout some articles on this website but it is a great tool for you to begin your career. You can learn how to write sales copy for your auctions as well as how to properly promote yourself. If you take the lessons to be learned on eBay and apply them to other Internet marketing areas, you will find yourself ready to tackle almost anything out there.

Hopefully this article on creating home work based business that focuses on the Internet and online has been beneficial to you. When I designed this article and wrote it, I want you to know what to look for within a particular online business as well as what to do for it. It is important to know what to look for as well as what to avoid.

Finally, I am sure that creating your home based business online in the right way will help you making money online at home. There are a TON of homeworker business opportunities out there waiting for you to tap-in. I would love to recommend you to start your own home based business right now and learn everything you have to know for building your own high profitable home based business online.

Visit now to get up-to-date information for home based business online and learn exactly how to build highly profitable successful home based internet marketing business from millionaire internet entrepreneurs at: and Youll discover workable & proven inside secrets and proactive internet entrepreneurs who are willing to help you to your success.

Siripong R. or zMillionDollars is a recognized authority on the subject of making money online from home through highly profitable & successful home based business. His websites, and, provide a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about earning money online.Vivi Blog87545
Viva Blog5244

Re-Charge Your Business for More Success!

When you own a home business, sometimes you need to step back and see what you can do to help give your business new life, like a battery that needs to be jump started. Some things you can do to recharge your business are:

Reassess Your Goals - If you have previously written down your goals, go over them to see how you have done. Have you achieved your goals? If not, you will need to try to figure out why and make some changes. If so, what will your new goals be? Remember to use your goals as a guideline. They do not have to be etched in stone!

Expand Your Networking - You now have a very well established circle of contacts, but you always need to be networking and meeting new contacts. Get to know others, learn from them and let them learn from you. This is an excellent way of building a strong foundation for your business.

Streamline Your Business Plan - Review your plans for your business. As with your goals, you probably need to upgrade. Keep up with the latest technology and marketing strategies so you can stay abreast of your competition.

Revamp Your Website - Look over your website and see how you can give it a breath of fresh air for your recharged business. You don't need to change the entire design. Maybe spruce it up a bit with more features and/or customer benefits. Adding more content is always a wise decision.

Raise Your Search Engine Ratings - Tweak your keywords and refine your content to match. Search engines take no crap so make your site the best it can be for those spiders!

Tweak Your Ezine - Review your ezine, the layout, design and content. Maybe add a new section or add some reader interaction. Ask your subscribers what they would like to see in your ezine and what they don't like about it. Offer them a free gift for answering your questions. This is a greatway to find out how to improve your ezine.

Refine Your Marketing Plan - Do some research. You need to keep up with the latest trends and changes in the online marketing world. You may need to make some major changes in the way you market your business.

Strengthen Your Reputation - Go the extra mile for your customers/subscribers. Show them that you deserve your trust and respect. Buuild a reputation stronger then the Great Wall of China!

Strive to Learn More - There is so much to learn in this business and the more we know, the more we can do! So, let's make it a point to learn all we can.

Learn how to work smarter, no harder! I'm ready, are you? Ok, let's make our business more successful than ever!

Terri Seymour has several years online experience and has helped many people start their own business. Visit her site at for resources, $1 resell ebooks & software, free tutorials, affiliate programs, and a free ezine with bonus report: 77 Ways to Get Traffic! Vicky Blog18848
Flore Blog22128

Internet Marketing Strategy: Enter The Age Of Automation!

Internet Marketing Strategy: Enter the age of automation!

Your computer was originally designed to make life easier for you. But sometimes it doesn't seem that way, does it?

These days, computers are essential tools that, more often than not, symbolize work for many of us.

Well, it's time to reclaim those hours that the computer was supposed to save you!

I'm talking about automation. Without a doubt, automating your e-business is the most cost-effective and profitable thing you can do to turn your small office or home-based business into a formidable online entity that can compete with the biggest players out there.

The biggest mistake most newcomers to the world of Internet commerce make is thinking of their business as an online store.

If you start off thinking that way, that's all it will ever be!

Think about it: If you're a hairdresser, and you try to take your business online by simply advertising your salon with a web site, you're still limited by how many haircuts you personally can give in a day.

But if you somehow managed to automate your business then there's no limit to how much money you could be making!

Unfortunately for salon owners out there, automated haircuts aren't possible yet. But I guarantee that some part of your online business could be streamlined through automation!

For example...

Customer service

Without sacrificing the personal touch or your own interaction with your customer base, 90% of your customer service correspondence can be automated.

Whether you're answering the most common questions, booking appointments, sending invoices, or following up with your customers, those tasks can be done faster and more efficiently when they're automated. And you can concentrate on the things that can't be!

Product delivery

The faster you deliver your product to your customers, the more professional you appear. And there's nothing faster than instantly!

Setting up your sales process to immediately send out your product the moment an order is placed not only makes it possible for you to work on growing your business, it grows your business for you by providing the quickest possible service to your clients, and word gets around fast on the Internet!

If your business isn't automated for constant growth, you'll stagnate. So set yourself up for success now by automating your business!

Does your online business need a new Internet marketing strategy?

With the current explosion of e-business and online opportunities, more people than ever before are searching for professional advice on Internet marketing strategy that is tailored for beginners.

At the Internet Marketing Center, we've made it our business to help your e-business succeed in the online marketplace.

For more help on finding an Internet marketing strategy that's right for your business, click here to see our free online archive of Internet marketing strategy tips and secrets

Derek Gehl is CEO of the Internet Marketing Center, which has been teaching real people like you how to make real money on the Internet since 1995. Sign up for IMCs free newsletter on Internet marketing at Blog5185
Feliza Blog60990

How to Increase Your Business by 20% Without Spending a Dime on Marketing or Advertising!

The answer might surprise you - Develop a pro-active "human proof" referral system and use it all the time! Its that simple.

When I ask most people "how have they grown your business most successfully" they often tell me, its by word of mouth and referrals. Yet when I them what system (or methodology they use) to obtain referrals they dont have one. Its a random process at best.

Statistics show that today, it takes six more times the effort and money to get a new client to buy from you as it takes to get a second order from an existing customer or a referral. So why doesnt everybody ask for referrals from everybody they sell?

The reason is because there are emotions involved most people don't feel comfortable "asking" for referrals. Heres a rule - If you don't ask for a referral, you wont get many. Do you ask for a referral something like this: Do you know of anyone that might like our services? and your answer you get is almost always no not at this time, but if I do, I will be sure to tell them about you.

We've found that when you put an automated system in place that asks for a referral every time to everybody that buys, your referrals go up and so do your sales. You can usually expect to obtain at least one new referred customer from every five new customers asked. Thats a 20% increase in business without spending a dime on marketing or advertising.

So what should you say to get a referral? Heres the key - People think in pictures so you need to ask for a referral so it paints a picture in their mind of who they can refer. Ask them Do you have any clients that might like to take advantage of the savings and or quality service you just received? If you could take a moment and scan through your rolodex and see if anyone comes to mind that you could refer, and put their contact information on this form.

Also you should have a series of 3 5 steps mapped out that lead up to asking for the referral. It should look something like this.

1) First send a thank you letter or email.

2) Then follow up with a quick phone call.

3) Next follow up with another email to ensure everything went well after you delivered the product or solution.

4) Finally, send a letter or email with a script saying: Dear (customer), based on our previous communications, you are happy with the produce, service and follow up. I would like to ask a favor. Would you be kind enough to refer up to 3 people that you think might be interested in receiving the same quality and savings that you have experienced? Check your rolodex or any clients you have dealt with in the last 30 days and put them on the form I have provided. Ive attached a simple form. Again, thanks for being our customer and putting your trust in us.

Step 5 Put a note on your calendar to call them in 4-5 day and ask for the referrals if you didnt receive them.

Then put it into an automated process so every new customer was asked for a referral every time they purchased from youWithout Fail! You need to ask every new customer because:

They just made the decision to choose you instead of the competition!
People want to tell other people about their good decisions!
You are top of mind and have just provided them with a valued solution!
You have not had a chance to mess it up yet!

By automating the process of politely asking for referrals at your customer satisfaction stage of relationship you will obtain at least one new customer via referral for every four customers asked. It's like buying five customers and getting one free!

If you want to increase your sales by 20% without spending a dime on marketing or advertising, implement a system that is automated and human proof. To learn more, review the digital brochure at or call 770-352-0662 for a free 30 minute business evaluation to improve your referral system.

George Ishee is known as the sales funnel guru and works with mid to small companies to automate the process to increase leads, referrals and sales on a consistant basis. To learn more visit our digital brochure at or call 770-352-0662Fanchon Blog77567
Faye Blog51724

Why Do Outdoor Advertising?

Outdoor advertising actually encompasses a number of different marketing approaches and can vary a great deal, which is beneficial for companies since they can then go with whatever approach or method would be more effective for them, individually. Not all companies are able to get the maximum exposure that they need when it comes to different types of outdoor advertising. As a result, it can sometimes be difficult for these companies to come to a conclusion as to why they should invest in outdoor advertising and make that type of trial and error maneuver. The fact is, outdoor advertising in virtually any capacity is influential on many people because of the way in which individuals are exposed to the marketing campaign. There are so many different types of outdoor advertising that can be used and many companies will have no problem finding which method works best for them.

Exposure is the number one reason as to why people should consider outdoor advertising for their professional or personal needs. We see all the time cars in traffic that are for sale by the owner, complete with a sign saying the vehicle is for sale and the contact information for interested parties. As cars interact with each other, we see the powerful effects of outdoor advertising. So many more people are exposed to outdoor advertising as opposed to other methods, such as advertising in a newspaper which is an approach only beneficial to those that read the newspaper. Compared to those that regularly read the newspaper, including the ads, more people are exposed to outdoor advertising.

Another reason that individuals would benefit from considering outdoor advertising is because of the fact that these are the approaches in which the individual will be able to have more diversity when it comes to the different specific methods of marketing. Car advertising or mobile marketing, billboard, bumper stickers and signs are all different forms of outdoor advertising that people are exposed to over time. Outdoor advertising is literally everywhere we look outside in the world today and because of the different methods it is easier for companies or individuals to find the approach that works most successfully, as a result of the individual needs, desires and marketing investment cap which have been put into place. Thanks to outdoor advertising, companies, products, services and ideas can all be revealed to individuals that may have otherwise not been able to learn about the different centerpieces of the products of outdoor advertising attempts.

SignZoo's award winning signs and auto wraps, and national network of certified installers installs your auto wrap at your convenience. Our in-house creative team will create custom banners that gets you noticed.Venus Blog13848
Eudora Blog11031

Building Your Own Credit History

Modern times require modern actions and credit cards are the modern tools that anyone may need but not everyone may have. Establish a good credit history seems to be harder for those individuals who do not have a credit past, however it can be build up individually for the first time starting small.

Your credit history determines many economy-related activities in your life including getting a job, obtaining reasonable rates on insurance, purchasing an automobile or renting an apartment. So starting small building your credit history means that you can do some research for department stores and financial institutions where you can apply for small amounts of credit.

Do not forget to get a written copy of the conditions, terms and fees applying to the type of credit chosen. Penalties for late payments and interest rates may be slightly higher that other regular credits if the applicant does not have established credit.

Most experts recommend you to request a copy of your credit report from the three national credit bureaus. Yes, you may not have a credit history yet but the request will make the bureaus create the reports making it easier they put files on your credit report as soon as you start getting small credits.

Although there is, a possibility of getting those reports with information already included because any credit purchases made in your past is reflected on your credit history. If the file exists, make sure the information is accurate or immediately report any incorrect information so that they can take action to correct your file.

Another good option in building your credit history is to open a bank account, either a savings or checking account. Analyze the bank's financial products because there is no need to be a big investor to find some type of products offering savings accounts, checking accounts and debit card as a whole.

always Keep in mind that your bank accounts are to build a good credit history so do not miss your goal using them to purchase until you are in debt or you bounce checks. Getting a loan may round your credit plan if you pay consistently and pay all bills in a timely manner, so the granter may report this positive information to the credit bureau.

There are other useful strategies to build a credit history or improve your credit score if the history already exists. Apply for a secured credit car or prepaid card, open utility accounts such as gas, electric and phone service are just a few of them.

The most important thing to remember, use your cards or credits regularly to ensure that your report is updated regularly and pay your bills on time, because lenders look at the most recent information on your credit history report.

Fruzsina Csery is a freelence copy writer. She occasionally writes for Student Credit Cards.Eugenia Blog42799
Essy Blog95876

Look Before You Leap

Every day, more and more people are becoming ever increasingly discontented with the daily rat race, and direct their interest to starting a home-based business.

For most people, once this threshold is reached, the desire to start working from home is so overpowering that they become vulnerable to making poor choices in the opportunity they eventually embrace.

As a result, most fail miserably, and its not usually through lack of determination, but several other reasons that can be responsible for their dream turning into a nightmare. It is the dream of staying at home, and enjoying the kids growing up, of working your own hours, of extra money, and of financial freedom. A worthy goal.

In the past, there have been many work at home opportunities banded about. Multi-level business opportunities selling everything from personal care, cosmetics, jewellery, hardware, to vitamins and even electrical goods. There have been the mail order catalogue opportunities, and the party plans. These opportunities have made people money, and the rare few wealthy, but they have also cost a lot of people a great deal of wasted time, money and effort.

One of the reasons is inexperience. People have spent years developing the qualifications and skills for their day job, but expect to start a home business and become wealthy almost overnight. Its a well known fact that over 50% of all new small businesses fail in the first year, and 95% fail within the first five years, and were not talking about home-based business here, were talking about all small businesses.

Inexperienced people join MLMs, (good companies like Amway), while others join money making schemes after attending a meeting somewhere, and yet all these people expect to succeed within a few months and become wealthy. What they dont realise is that it takes time to succeed, and as with any business, investment.

Financial investment and time investment.

If you go by facts and figures, the statistics are against them. They are against any new small business venture, but especially against some home-based opportunities, because the very nature of the business has people working long hours, often door to door for little profit. People end up burned out, tired, frustrated, and quit feeling very guilty because they are told such things as Winners never quit.

Why become part of a work at home opportunity that is like a regular job?

Another reason people fail is because they are told it is only temporary. If you build your network, and duplicate yourself they are told, you will soon have enough volume that you wont have to work as hard, and you will have a recurring monthly income. So some people plod on and on becoming more and more disillusioned as their people quit after a few months. Its usually the people who have some of the necessary skills already that manage to forge ahead, and unfortunately many of those who havent, just havent the time or the money to gather those skills. Some will make it, and some will excel, but the majority of them will just quit.

When you base your future income on the efforts of others, its a two edged sword. It cuts both ways, but like any sword it usually cuts better on the down stroke.

Another reason that many businesses fail is they offer products that nobody really wants. To put it another way, there is not a strong market for the product. John Paul Gettys formula for making money was, find a product that is needed, find a product that is consumable, find a product that is affordable, find a product that is guaranteed to work, and then sell it. If you were selling cold soft drinks, would you rather sell them on a cold winters day or on a sunny hot summer afternoon at the beach?

If JP Getty were alive today, I guess he would add another qualification, that the people behind the product or service have a proven track record of success, and are not simply out to take peoples money and run.

The problem is many of the home-business opportunities out there today that are not so good, have promotions that sound every bit as good as anyone elses. If you are looking for a home-based business opportunity, decide what you want from it, and then examine it carefully. Check with the Better Business Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission, and the internet scam warning web sites for information. Run a Google search for company name + scam. Go to and check there.

Be extremely wary of any opportunity that wants a large purchase up front. Many of these opportunities show you cheques of hundreds of dollars earned within a few weeks to entice you to join. In many cases it is because the new member has been persuaded to pay a large amount up front for a never to be repeated introductory offer.

Be wary of money schemes on the internet that appear to be just that. They spring up on a weekly basis, just as fast as the authorities can shut them down. Many people have invested reasonable sums of money and watched their online earning grow, only for the company to be shut down before they can get their money out.

So are all opportunities set to fail?

Not at all.

There are many ways to make money from home, but perhaps more now than ever, the best way forward is still the Internet.


Because the business of Internet Marketing can be taught. There are many successful people online who have started with nothing and built businesses turning over from many thousands of dollars monthly, to millions of dollars yearly over a decade or more.

2006 has been a booming year for Internet Marketers. There has been a phenomenal amount of high quality training information released by top internet earners.

An internet business can be fully automated. It is possible to do the work by spending weeks not months, setting up systems, (or having them set up for you), to have your web site and your computer sell for you unattended, and for the first time ever this goal is within the reach of ordinary people to achieve by learning from people with proven track records of success from the convenience of their own home, at a pace, and at a time convenient to them.

There are many areas of Internet Marketing that you can choose from, Ebay, Affiliate Marketing (selling someone elses product or service), information products, software products, training (audio and video).

No, its not a get rich quick scheme, and no its not an automatic guarantee of success because people are people, and believe it or not approximately 50% of people who buy teaching courses dont open the cover, or only get as far as the first couple of chapters. But with a high quality training course, that will take you by the hand and lead you step by step with written training material, and both audio and video training from a company with a proven track record over a number of years, there is no reason why the average person can not make a nice income from the internet.

For example, Inspiration Point and 6M Profit Method headed by Lisa Diane, a business woman who thirteen years ago started from scratch, and who developed a closely guarded marketing blueprint to success, which she uses to generate millions of dollars annually, brought her expertise to the internet in the last few years. In the last few months she has opened her secret blueprint for success to the masses, and founded the 6M community where people who have bought her training program, backed by her proven track record and personal commitment, can get ongoing training, and frequently her personal advice for as long as they remain a member of the community.

What is it you really want from a home business?

What is your focus?

Whatever your choice, make it an informed one!

Article by Mark McGimpseyVictoria Blog11542
Feliza Blog60990

5 Easy Steps to an Automated and Lucrative Online Business

Wed all like to have an online business thats not only financially successful but can run itself and consistently pull in multiple streams of income. But how do you go about this and where do you start? Well here are 5 easy steps.

1. Get It Going. Theres no step more important than this. Plenty of businesses are fully automated and can run themselves, but they cant start themselves. You need to take action and start your business, and the time to take action is right now.

But first, remove the 2 negative thoughts that might hold you back. The first negative thought that people worry about the most when starting an online business, is about not being perfect. So put that thought straight out of your head. No ones perfect and no one expects you to be. You dont have to get it right, you just have to get it going.

The other thing is criticism. Sure youll get it, you just have to learn to deal with it and not worry about it. So what if people criticise you? Youre getting it going and thats the only thing that will drive your business forward to success.

2. Do a 12-product survey. You need to get 12 different products to sell to see what people are mostly buying. These products dont have to be great or expensive, they just have to be diverse enough in content to see what most people want and then you can get more similar products to the more popular ones.

3. The Killer Sales Page It doesnt matter how good or bad your product is, if you dont have a killer sales page, then no one will be interested enough to buy it. Your sales page needs to include as much information as possible to arouse prospective customers interest.

Your headlines need to be intriguing and your first few paragraphs need to present your readers with a potential problem they may have. The middle part of your sales page should show how other possible solutions are not adequate enough or should elaborate more on the readers problem. The end of your sales page should offer your product as the solution, include as many bonuses as possible and repeatedly state what value-for-money your product is.

Make sure you get excited when you write your killer sales page.

4. Quickie Products. Make sure your products are quickie products that take the minimal amount of time to produce. Information products (eBooks) are the easiest, or if you want to sell a software product, get someone else to make it for you.

Then sell your products quickly and easily by signing up to a company like They have a low start-up cost and thousands of affiliates to help sell your products world-wide without you having to lift another finger.

Then automate your website so that visitors can buy directly from you or can sign up as an affiliate from your site. Capture the email address of anyone who buys your product and set up an auto responder with dozens of ready-made emails full of details about your other products to send out to your ever-growing email list.

5. Traffic. Next you have to drive as much traffic as possible to your website. One of the best ways to do this is by writing keyword-rich articles, submitting them to as many article directories as possible (I use Article Submitter software for this) and include a link back to your website in your resource box.

Once youve done all this youll have 12 products being sold for you all over the world and this is only the beginning

Ruth Barringham is a freelance writer and runs successful websites at and Submit articles quickly and easily using Article Submitter from Blog67452
Etti Blog88816

A Good Business Idea May Not Be Enough For Home Workers

Business ideas for home workers.

Your thoughts and ideas about what will be a good business for you, will directly affect your decision to start either a home base business or a small business run from an office. The basic rule about business ideas is, the bigger your idea is, the more time, money and effort you will need to invest in order to make it pay.

Every business starts with an idea. Some will be great business ideas that could make a profit and some are doomed to failure even before you pick up your pen to write it down. You just might not know it.

It might be that you decide to start a data entry home based business where you input data for another company or provide secretarial services for business men and women who do not have the time to type up letters. Or even a geniune home based business that you will be proud to tell people about.

What ever business you are starting up there is one problem that we all have to deal with.

Raising the capital to start your new home based business or small business venture will probably be your first significant business challenge. Depending on the business you want to start up and where you want to base your business, you could initially ask for financial help from friends or family.

It is a fact that most new business start ups fail because of under funding. Put simply you can not run a business without money.

When you are chosing your accountant make sure they are members of a recognised governing body or institution who work to a code of practice. If things do go wrong you will have some form of protection. If you are trying to raise funds, get a small business loan or business financing from a lender, your chances of success are better if you present a business plan where the finacial section has been completed by an accountant.

Everything you do from the moment you say 'How do I start a new business working from home?' or 'How do I set up a small business' is going to cost you something. An accountant can tell you everything you can claim back as a legitimate business expense.

If you are starting up or planning to run a new business at home you must talk to someone in the legal profession as well. When you are starting in business, always make sure you are legit.

It may be something you have not considered before. Here are two possibilities.

There may be local government laws or council by-laws that prohibit you from running you business from home.

or ...

You need to have terms and conditions of trade which protect you if things go wrong.

These are just two known reasons for getting legal advice. You have to remember that there are business sharks out there who feed on the ill informed. Don't be one of them.

The home business opportunity lifestyle is something that many other people want. Be realistic and understand that any business you start is going to take time to get off the ground. I hope I have not scared you into 'not' starting a business base from the comfort of your house or flat. It can be very rewarding and there are many advantages to working at home. At the same time you need to know and understand the very basics. The essentials.

Although there are many perceived (and real) advantages of working at home, in some cases that 'freedom' can work against you. As long as you remember that you only get something back after you have put effot or cash in, you will be fine.

The Author, Kevin Polley is an ecommerce consultant who has been helping people set up and run successful online businesses since 2001. For more information or tools visit

Kevin Polley is an ecommerce consultant who has been helping people set up and run successful online businesses since 2001. For more information or tools visit Blog70421
Veronika Blog3953

Don't Make These Affiliate Marketing Mistakes!

If youre new to affiliate marketing, or if youve been doing it awhile but you arent making any money, you might be making one of these big mistakes in your business. What follows are three of the biggest mistakes I see affiliates making as I cruise the net, and some solutions for creating a better website that converts more visitors into paying customers.

The first big mistake many affiliates make is building an amateurish or downright ugly website. There are design principles that you must follow when you build your website to achieve success in affiliate marketing. There are also plenty of tools to help you create a professional looking site.

When a visitor arrives at your site, you have only a few seconds to create interest in your site and to build credibility and rapport. First impressions are vitally important! Your banner must be of professional quality and must be simple and to the point. The name of your website and what you say in your banner must tell the visitor exactly what your website is about upon first glance.

Too many graphics is a bad thing. Your site should be simple text for the most part. Keep your site simple, easy to read, clean and uncluttered. That means having margins, easy to read fonts, and easy on the eye colors. White backgrounds with black type are best. Eliminate all the gaudy colors, wild graphics, and blinking lights. Use only one or two colored fonts.

Your goal is create credibility, reliability, and trustworthiness with your visitor. Think conservatively. Other ways to create credibility and rapport is to put a photo of yourself near the top of your page. Be sure to display your email address and contact details prominently.

Just below your banner should be your headline in large type. This headline is the most important part of your webpage. It must be interesting and bold and draw the visitor into your site. You must compel the reader to continue reading! Your headline should address the needs of your visitor or provide a solution to your visitors problem.

Finally, do not overwhelm your customer with choices. Design your navigation so that the visitor has no more than five links to choose from. You do not want to confuse your potential customer. A confused mind simply wont make a purchase. More often than not, the confused visitor will exit your website in search of an easier and clearer solution to their need or problem.

Your navigation should be placed in the same place on every webpage to make it easier for your visitor. Keep your visitor happy! The happy mood is the buying mood. Whats more, a customer that is happy to have found you and the products you have provided will more likely return again to your website.

The next big mistake I see being made by so many affiliates is their failure to capture their visitors name and email address. This is vital to the success of your online business. Its amazing how many websites just try to sell products. I guess a lot of people who are new to affiliate marketing have not yet learned that most people have to see a product as many as seven times before they actually buy it.

Getting visitors to your site takes time and money, and maybe one in a hundred will buy your product. What about the other 99 visitors? Dont let them get away from you! Get their name and email address. Then continue to market to them. After they get to know and trust you, they will buy from you again and again.

Your customer list is the most important asset in your business. You will make more money on the back end than you will on the front end of your affiliate marketing business. Be sure to use an opt-in form and capture your visitors name and email address! One good practice is to put an opt-in form on every page of your website; another is to offer some kind of freebie product thats related to your offer to bribe the visitor to opt-in.

The third big mistake I see affiliate marketers guilty of, not just newbies, is selling to their customers. Your job as an affiliate is not to sell, its to PRE-sell. Its the merchant's job to write killer copy to convert the visitors you send them into paying customers.

I see lots of affiliates who swipe copy from merchant sales pages with the result that their webpage resembles a sales letter. This is the wrong approach to affiliate marketing salesmanship. It turns people off. People dont want to be sold to, and people dont like reading advertising.

Pre-selling is all about sharing your personal experience with a product. This is why you had better actually buy the product before you try to recommend it. You should relate your own feelings about the product and what it has done for you. Explain why you like it. Do not try to sell the product!

Instead of hyping a product the way sales letter pages do, you should describe to your visitor the products benefits. Make a bulleted and detailed list of how you have used the product successfully. What it has actually done for you. Personalize your recommendation. Then casually offer the link to the product.

William Perkins writes about how to start an online business, affiliate marketing, and making money online. He has packaged much of what he knows into a brandable ebook titled, "Fast Track To Internet Riches!" which you can get for free when you opt-in at his website. Blog12750
Fifi Blog26031

How to Optimize Your Web Site 15%, 27%, 134% and Start Making Real Money

Does your web site make you money?

How long has your web site been running?

One year? Two years? Maybe even three?

Over those three years your web site could have been a turbo-charged money machine, cranking out profits for you and your family night and day, week after week, month after month.

But has it? Or has it just sat there, looking pretty. Maybe lots of graphics and Flash animations. Maybe lots of visitors

Maybe it just costs you money, because you have to pay for web hosting?

If so, a lot of other web site owners are in the same boat.

But did you know, if you change just one part of your web site, you can make your web site profitable?

Change your headline, for example, and you can increase your response by 500%.

Write 10 different headlines and one may be a winner.

But how do you find the winner?

The answer is, you have to test as many different headlines as you can, until you find the winner.

How do you test? Well come to that in a moment.

Other factors that make your web site a winner or a loser are, for example, your offer (do people want your product?), your opening para (paragraph), bullet points, testimonials, close, PS and bonuses.

But consider this.

Say you write 10 headlines, 10 offers, 10 opening paras, 10 testimonials, 10 closes and 10 bonuses.

You now have a MILLION different combinations (10 to the 6th power = 1,000,000) to test, to discover the perfect blend of web site variables!

Headline B works well with opening para A, but not with bonus B. Headline A works well with bonus B, but not with opening para A and so on up to 10 to the 6th power!

How do you find the best mix out of a million?

Sounds impossible? Right?

In the old days, before the Internet, if you were a direct marketer, all you could do was a split-run test (also known as an A B split test) test only two parts of your sales letter at a time.

Youd send out, say 3,000 letters with headline A to 3,000 names on a list. And then another 3,000 letters with headline B to 3,000 different names on a list.

Youd also somehow code each letter (perhaps include a coupon for the reader to fill out to get a discount or free sample), so youd know which letter brought the highest response.

Then youd wait. And wait.

Eventually, after a few weeks youd have your responses, and youd have a good idea which headline worked best.

Youd then send the best-performing letter to the rest of the names on your list.

Or youd test the best-performing letter against one with another headline. Again send the letter with headline A (if that was the stronger letter from the first test) to, say, 3,000 names on your list, and the letter with headline C to another 3,000 list names.

Again, youd wait. And wait

This was a real pain, but it was the only way to find the winning letter. It took a LOT of time and often a LOT of money.

Enter the Internet. And very powerful web site testing software.

With this multivariate (or multivariable, Taguchi multivariate) software you can now test multiple variables (headline, bonuses, PS and so on) of a web page sales letter at the same time.

You can write, say, 16 headlines, 16 opening paras, 16 sets of bonuses, 16 closes and so on and test them all at the same time.

The software will tell you the best blend of elements that make up the most powerful sales letter. You wont have to spend months, or even years, doing very boring A/B split testing.

And a dynamite sales letter will turn your web site into a 24/7 money generator.

To find out more about how this amazing new software can transform an underperforming web site that loses you money into a constant money machine, go to

Theres a special offer right now, but its limited. So youll have to hurry.

© 2006 Eldo Barkhuizen BA, HDE

Eldo Barkhuizen,, is a direct response and web copywriter based in the UK. Using tested, powerful strategies he will help you transform your website into a 24/7 money magnet.Viole Blog12404
Vikkie Blog94571

Medical Billing From Home: Avoiding The Scams

Not to long ago several entrepreneurial and financial magazines stated that medical billing from home was one of the top ten home based businesses for the new millennium. While the reports were correct it took almost 4 years before the information sunk into the heads of those that were desperately looking for ways to leave the nine-to-five rat race and work from home.

What the masses didn't know was that during those four years several so called medical billing from home support companies were in full swing selling their wares and services to the undereducated looking to get into this lucrative field. The majority of the companies were well thought out scams and because most people had no idea of what was needed to do medical billing from home made those companies rich.

Today, while the medical billing from home industry is still a growing field there are several companies that spend a lot of money advertising in different venues to take further advantage of the unsuspecting public. These medical billing from home companies know that the majority of folks will not do any research before getting involved, they make it easy for you to contact them, they have very convincing sales reps waiting to con you out of your money and for a mere $400 they tell you that they will supply you with everything you'll need to make $40-$60K per year from the comfort of your home.

Friends, let me tell you right now that there are no medical billing from home companies out there that can afford to supply all of that for $400 and stay in business! Common sense would alert most people that this is a scam, but because most people are so blinded by the money making potential they don't listen to that little person inside that usually yells "It's Too Good To Be True".

How Do You Go About Avoiding The Scamsters In The Medical Billing From Home Industry?

1. Don't answer those ads that you see in your favorite local shopper magazines (Globe, Sun, Examiner, Thrifty Nickel, PennySavers, etc.) or in some of the major daily newspapers. They usually go something like this:

"You Can Earn $50,000+ Processing Medical Claims From Home. No experience necessary! Call 1-800-***-**** for information."

2. This one is usually seen on the Internet but lately it can be found in any number of widely sold financial/entrepreneurial magazines. These ads are placed by medical billing from home opportunity vendors that want you to purchase training, software, marketing materials, and lists of doctors as a package deal for $4000-$9000. Now there are a handful of well known medical billing from home opportunity vendors in the nation, but if you aren't sure who they are you must research the company in depth before you contact them, but they do exist.

3. Watch out for what is called medical billing from home resellers of well known/branded medical billing software programs that are the most basic in design and won't be able to support your business for years to come. So you in turn will need to call them back and spend more money with them to upgrade the software (so you get taken twice). You can find these cheap pieces of software all over the net, on Ebay and from people's personal websites (most of whom don't know anything about doing medical billing as a business).

4. Look out for medical billing from home software companies that also claim to be their own clearinghouse companies. They will claim to give you discounted clearinghouse services because you initially bought software from them, but you will have to agree to submit your claims exclusively through them. Again you are paying twice, except this kind of service is an extended and drawn out milking of your wallet and the biggest problem is what happens if the company goes out of business? That's right you're stuck big-time and you'll have to spend a lot of money to get things back on the right track. This is the same as putting all of your eggs in the same basket that we've been hearing about since we were young.

5. You should always research a medical billing from home company before you do business with them unless you are getting a referral from a very trusted friend. The best way to start your research is by going to the BBB and doing a search for the medical billing from home company you are looking to do business with. You can learn a lot about the company including if the company has any open complaints against them from their customers. You will also see if they have a favorable rating, which goes toward their credibility.

6. The next thing that you should do is visit and partake in the discussions at any one of the several medical billing from home forums. These forums will become the basis of your support network and will give you the opportunity to ask questions of established home-based medical billing business owners. The other benefit is that you will also meet other new medical billers that are on the same level of getting their business started as you are, so you know that you're not the only one who has fears about getting started. Once you dispel the fears then you can focus on the topic at hand and proceed with full confidence in your decisions.

Many people that try and start their own medical billing from home business usually fail to do so because they have skipped one or all of the aforementioned. The sad part is that they cry foul and say that the medical billing from home industry is a scam instead of owning up to their own faults.

The medical billing from home industry is a great business to start but it's not for everybody so before you decided to get involved I suggest that you research the industry in full and read all the books on the topic that you can. There are several books on the market but the majority of them are rather outdated so they aren't going to do much for you since the industry tends to change quickly.

Paul G. Hackett - The Medical Billing Mastermind has been teaching people the proper way to start successful home based medical billing businesses for almost a decade. His #1 selling ebook on home based medical billing entitled "Medical Billing Beginners Book" can be found at: Blog61671
Verna Blog58169

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Do You Have Affiliate Marketing Plan Yet? This May Help You...

Alright, you've made the decision that you want to make money on the Internet. Great! That's fantastic that you've made the decision to take contraol of your life and your finances. I just have one question for you. Do have an affiliate marketing plan written up yet? I'm assuming that you'll be starting off as an affiliate marketer because this is how most people start out. Anyway, do you have any clue how you're going to get this thing going? Let's take a look at a few things that you'll need to consider before you begin.

Do you know what it is that you'd like to promote? If so, have you done adequate research to determine that there's enough of a market in order to build your business? If not, do you know how to properly research a market in order to determine if it's potentially profitable or not? You'll need to either know how to do this or have someone you can trust show you how before you can do anything. Don't just start throwing money and spending your time without having a structured plan.

Have you researched different affiliate programs to determine if there's more than one in your market? Competition is good my friend. It means that people are making money. If there are only one or two affiliate merchants in the niche you are considering you might want to look into something different, while monitoring your chosen niche for positive activity. If it starts picking up then you'll be ready to jump in, but if not you've saved yourself time and money.

Are you going to build your own website or have it done for you? Are you going to be writing your own web copy or outsourcing it? Are you aware of the expense involved with this, especially for professional copywriting? If so, have you allowed for it in your budget?

I'm not trying to be negative by hitting you with all of these questions. I just want you to be aware of what you're getting into and I want to make sure that you don't just jump into Internet Marketing like some crazy person (me) and start throwing money around blindly, only to find that six months and whole lot of money have gone by without getting much accomplished. Take a look at what I talked about before and start writing stuff down. Do some research and figuring exactly how much this is going to cost to get you started. You can get a blog for free and just start writing about your topic by educating others. A lot of people have made it big by doing this alone and that won't cost hardly anything to get started. Just get your affiliate marketing plan in order and start taking action!

Joe Stewart is an Affiliate Marketer that enjoys helping others.Viola Blog12750
Fidela Blog6545

Online Home Based Business - The Essentials

There are literally thousands of affiliate marketing programs where you can start an online home based business. But haphazardly being a member of an affiliate program isn't enough. Bear in mind, you should be able to generate targeted leads. This is the only way to get the return on your efforts.

In any typical affiliate program you get promotional materials after joining their online home based business. Very often these are newsletters, website, graphical advertisements and materials for email marketing.

Most Online home based business pay the affiliates monthly by their management program. Some pure MLM businesses transfer the commission to your account as a sale occurs. But make sure of the transaction process like direct deposit or PayPal options.

Planning is the most important factor in succeeding any home based business. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

May be you are excited to bring change in your life you are looking for financial freedom and time freedom. You have gone crazy. Still take patience to consult a home business mentor who have already succeeded and made tons of money in home based businesses. Get a blueprint of the business plan from the affiliate program.

How to Create Multiple Revenue Streams for your Home Business

If you are starting something online, it might seem a great adventure of exploring new ways to make money. I would suggest you to start small and grow steadily.

Diversification in online home based business is a good thing to consider. Never put all eggs in one basket. Play it safe. Affiliate yourself to couple of affiliate programs. It will help you promote all of them simultaneously and make your business more credible. And if there is slump in one business you can get profit from others. That's called multiple streams of income.

Real money comes from real marketing. Online business is easy where you can start everything from the comforts of your home. But you should take care of the following seven points in order to succeed in any online marketing home business.

- Sell your own product and earn the largest profit margin. You can make it prime concern.

- Sell related products/services that complement your business.

- Recommend the products/services of business. Start selling the system. This will give you maximum commission per sale.

- You can also sell space if your online business becomes popular.

- Share your web resources with similar peoples in other businesses. Because it is the best thing to enhance your web presence.

- Build your own affiliate program.

Brad Jones is an online home based business consultant. He has developed several direct marketing programs that are easy and require less startup cost, currently working for Blog62579
Vera Blog21442

Video Marketing For Free Traffic

Using video marketing to drive traffic to your web site is an online marketing strategy many small business owners and internet marketers are beginning to embrace, with much success. Having a traditional website only allows you to reach those people who first find your website. However, combining video, social networking and some simple video marketing techniques can drive hordes of qualified visitors to your website.

First, lets forget the silly videos youll find all over YouTube of kids running into fences and demonstrating the newest dance move. While that kind of video can bring in hundreds of thousands of views, it wont bring the targeted traffic you need.

Instead, consider making a video tightly targeted towards your niche. A real estate agent might make a video introducing herself and showcasing a few of her available homes for sale. A night club might make a video commercial with soundbites from partygoers. A software developer might make a video demonstrating his latest application.

Because Google and other search engines are beginning to give videos hosted on sites like YouTube preferential search engine ranking, its quite possible your video could end up on the first page of search results for your targeted keyphrase. This is incredibly powerful and not to be overlooked, as this is what will make your video marketing efforts well worth the time you invest in them.

Consider that YouTube itself may not have a huge market of people looking for videos on Oakland real estate. But if your video titled Oakland Real Estate made the first page of Google search results (again, due to the preferential search results video is receiving in the search engines) youd benefit from the hundreds of people who search for that term in Google seeing your video as the #1 result and ,in turn, watching your clip.

With the preferential treatment videos are receiving in search results, the question then becomes, How do I move people from watching my video on YouTube to actually visiting my website?

This is simple. Bribe them, at the end of your marketing video. What follows are some ideas:

* Offer them something for free at your site (a consultation, a report, free drink, demo version, MP3 download, etc.)

* Poll them or ask them a question they need visit your site to answer. People love to give their opinion. You can combine with the free offer, above, by giving them the freebie upon completion of the poll or question. This is invaluable for market research.

* Leave em hanging. Dont tell the whole story on your YouTube hosted video instead, tell them just enough to incite curiosity. Then, instruct them to visit your site for the complete story or answer.

Each of these ideas are intentionally broad can be focused indefinitely and molded to fit your target market.

The key here is catching your audience while theyre hot; directly after having watched our video and giving them a reason to continue on to your website. The truth is that if you dont, most will simply click through to another video or search result. Capitalize on their attention and tell them where to go and what to do next youll be surprised at how many will comply!

Even if youre no Spieldberg (I know Im not) you can produce traffic sucking videos with these simple methods.

Watch a movie on video marketing by Michelle MacPhearson at http://www.tubeinator.comViv Blog8608
Valry Blog42580

5 Keys to Successful Internet Marketing

With internet marketing becoming more and more popular what are the keys you need to make a success of your internet marketing endeavors? What things do you need to know or do in order to be a success at internet marketing?

1. List Building

If you have been in internet marketing for any length of time you will have heard the saying the money is in the list. Why do people say that? List building is vital to internet marketing because it gives you ongoing contact with your prospective customers. The first time people visit your website or your affiliate's website they are not likely to buy the product. It has been said that a person needs to be exposed to something about seven times before they act on it so if you are just letting people drift by your website without getting their contact details then the chances are they will forget about it and you will lose the money. If, however, you have a list building system in place you can expose people to your product or your affiliate's product as many times as you like and sooner or later if they are really interested they will buy something from you.

2. Targeted versus non-targeted traffic

Another important aspect of internet marketing is the quality of traffic you are driving to your website. If all the traffic you are getting to your website is non-targeted (traffic exchanges, safelists, etc.) then you will make relatively few sales because the people are not really interested in what you have to offer. However, if you target your advertising and use marketing techniques such as article marketing, forum marketing or targeted email groups then you are more likely to make sales because you are advertising to people who are already interested in your product.

3. Give the people what they want

If you want to sell to people you need to give them what they want. Different people are looking for different things but one way to ensure that you are reaching a fairly large group of people interested in your subject is to do some keyword research. If you can find an area where many people are looking but where there is relatively little competition then you have hit on a winner. If you are one of few companies meeting a large group of people's needs then you will notice the effect of that in your bank balance. In internet marketing this is known as niche marketing.

4. Develop Multiple Income Streams

By developing multiple income streams you are reaching a variety of different target groups, preparing yourself well to adjust to cycles in the economy and marketplace and not putting all your eggs in one basket. This is therefore an important aspect to internet marketing and one you definitely need to consider.

5. Stay Focused

This may sound like a complete opposite of point four but it really is not. Although you want to have multiple income streams you also want to stay focused. You may choose to focus on a specific area or a specific product. You may choose to focus for example on dogs and then diversify by selling dog products as well as books and e-books about dogs. You could also choose to focus on information products and then sell e-books on many different subjects or set up adsense websites on a number of different subjects so focusing on product but diversifying your target market.

These five keys to internet marketing - list building, targeted advertising, niche marketing, multiple income streams and staying focused are vital to your internet marketing success and should be aspects that you consider carefully when establishing your internet business.

Mitchell Choy is a home business consultant with 22 years experience in network marketing and home based programs. He specializes in developing passive income revenue. He can be reached at Blog26278
Fey Blog29325

Can You Still Make Money on the Internet?

A common question I am asked when talking about starting an e-commerce business is Didnt the Internet bubble burst years ago, and didnt that prove that it really isnt possible to make money with an Internet only business? Well, its true that building a business on the Internet isnt what it used to be. Not long ago, the first person with an idea could build a web page and own the market. If you sold a widget, you registered the domain and anyone who wanted a widget knew where to get one. Marketing was easy. A few posts in an online discussion group, an ad in the right magazines, maybe a TV ad if the venture capitalists had given you a bunch of money, and your fortune was made. The most difficult challenges during this period were technical. Entire teams were hired to design and build web sites. Another team was hired to integrate the shopping cart. This method made many millionaires and it was so easy that people forgot it was supposed to be a business. It became the playground for anyone with a neat idea. Eventually the dot-com bubble burst and fortunes were lost.

Immediately after the dot crash, the situation quickly reversed. It became more affordable to build a web site, but because dozens or hundreds of people were selling the same widget, marketing became important. Most of the technical problems had been solved so instead of hiring teams to do the work, sites could be built on contract for just a few thousand dollars.

We are now entering the next phase of e-commerce. While there are still plenty of people making money as web designers and programmers, a single person can do most of the work in an evening and have the entire web site running in a weekend. With modern web development tools, it is possible to build a functional web site with no knowledge of html, the language most Internet pages are written in.

Many web-hosting companies are offering point-and-click web site development. Usually these sites are based on templates designed by experts and can be customized to suit your needs and preferences. With these tools, you can build an entire e-commerce solution with shopping cart in a weekend. With services such as PayPal and Google Checkout, it is possible for anyone to accept credit cards over the Internet without a merchant account.

There are several ways to make money online. The most obvious is to open an online store. I suggest you pick a small market and target it instead of selling a wide variety of merchandise. By using a drop shipper, you can open a store without even carrying any inventory.

You can also make money using Googles Adsense program. You may have seen ads on some web pages that say Ads by Google under them. Every time someone clicks on one of those ads, the website owner makes money. If you can get enough visitors to your site, you can make a lot of money this way.

If you are eager to start an e-commerce business or want to incorporate e-commerce functions into your existing business, there has never been a better time to do it. Prices are lower than they have ever been and the technology makes it easier than most people believe.

Jason Conley is an e-commerce professional in Texas. His current projects include and the sister site http://sellknives.comValentia Blog26081
Fayre Blog5381
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